Existential Questions: Locating yourself in the world - and within

Questions to help you build an existential narrative for yourself:

*How am I feeling about the state of the world and humanity right now? Am I hopeful? Am I despairing? Am I afraid? Am I excited?

*Do I know what gives my life a sense of meaning and purpose? Is existence inherently meaningless? Do I ever give space for questions of meaning?

*How do I feel about my mortality and the fact that I will die one day? Does knowledge of my limited time here prompt me to pursue certain things in life?

*Am I afraid of death and non-existence? Do I have other feelings and beliefs about it?

*How do I feel about my own aging process and the stages of my life and myself that I am moving through?

*Am I living in ‘good faith’ (i.e. living truthfully, not deceiving myself and others, not living in avoidance)?

*In what ways do I hide and live in half-truths and self-deceptions?

*Do I fill my life with busy routines and a fast pace that might serve to turn my attention away from a deep void that I feel inside of me?

*In what ways am I abiding by my authentic nature? What do I believe about the notion of a ‘true self’ or what it means to be ‘authentic?’

*Is ‘living my truth’ at the expense of others around me? Can I be a responsible human citizen and still advocate for my own needs?

*In what ways am I free? How am I not free? What do I do with my freedoms?

*What am I passionate about? What makes me feel really alive?

*What do I need to be taking responsibility for in my life, in this world? What does it mean to be ‘good’ and ‘ethical’? 

*How do I feel about the limitations that life and the world put upon me? How do I react to life’s limits and the things that I’m not able to be or do?

*What beliefs do I have about the world and what I can expect from it? Is the world indifferent to me?

*Connecting existential experiencing of life with relational behaviour and thoughts and feelings of the individual: What do I absorb from the world I live in and how do the impacts of that come right into my relationships with others and how I feel about myself?


Relational Questions: Building your relational narrative