
I am a Registered Psychotherapist in private practice, working with adult clients in individual and in group psychotherapy. I also work with other therapists through supervision, personal process groups, reading groups, and trainings that I offer.

I have been a therapist in Toronto since 2002 and psychotherapy educator/trainer since 2006. See below for more ‘bio’ details on this.

I am a clinical member of the CRPO (College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario) and an association member of CAPT (Canadian Association for Psychodynamic Therapy). I also have memberships in AGPA (American Group Psychotherapy Association) and IARPP (International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy) and do ongoing professional development through these organizations.

I am committed to embedding principles of anti-oppression, anti-racism, intersectional feminism, and awareness of the harms of social injustice throughout my practice.

My experience in the field

In addition to my practice, I was a faculty member at Toronto Institute for Relational Psychotherapy (TIRP) for 16 years. From 2006–2022, I taught, trained and supervised psychotherapy students in an intensive education program that is recognized by the CRPO.
I continue to provide clinical supervision to students of the program as the school now enters its final year in 2024-2025.

My own training and education has been acquired through Diploma programs in psychotherapy in England, Canada and the United States:

*1996-1998: Regent’s University, London, UK
*1998-1999: New School of Psychotherapy & Counselling (NSPC), London, UK
*2001-2005: Toronto Institute for Relational Psychotherapy (TIRP), Toronto, ON
*2011-2020: The Center for Group Studies (CGS), New York, NY

My overall counselling and psychotherapy education and practice has evolved over the past 30 years, encompassing psychotherapy private practice and prior counselling for bereavement, sexual health, children & youth and the LGBTQ+ community.

My style

As a therapist, my intention is to offer you the presence of a close listener, an empathic participant, a curious questioner, and a thoughtful responder, sharing some of my own thoughts and feelings about our conversation. I’m told that some experience me as calm, steady and easy to talk to.

I am an introvert, thinker/feeler-balanced, I have a love for meaningful relational connection and I highly value humour and play. I draw inspiration from engagements with nature, travel, different kinds of art (music/sound, visual, film, photography, writing), live performance, design and architecture, great food and cherished physical practices (i.e. swimming, the favourite).

I am dedicated to and passionate about therapeutic process, growth and healing. This includes the ‘all things considered’ and ‘work-in-progress’ versions of those as, for all of us, the personal work is ongoing through life. I consider myself a self-awareness resource and support for my clients through different chapters of their lives.

A personal reflection

I love the art of the therapy, the two (or more) people coming together to co-create and craft an unfolding dialogue. Conversations inside therapy can feel very inspiring as my clients sometimes say the most insightful and fantastic things without even intending to. I learn so much from them.
As well, good conversations in my own personal life are core to my well-being and development.

Working closely with others who are engaged in their own personal process is a meaningful and rewarding experience for me - a privilege, really. As it is in my own personal work, self-awareness is not always an easy or painless pursuit. My own experience –and witnessing the experience of many others– tells me that being able to name hard things, to ask/receive important questions, to take responsibility and find acceptance for oneself, is all essential to good emotional and mental health.

A bit about me